2024 Melinda Wyers
Welcome to Y2KQ!

Party Like It’s Y2K

Leah Mueller

The terror of technology loomed above us,
taller than the hotel where I spent December 31st
with my husband and four-year-old daughter.

Downtown Seattle expanded fast,
mechanical cranes perched
like mantises at perilous angles
on the other side of our hotel window.

The Space Needle had canceled fireworks,
due to a terrorist threat.
News reports urged people
to celebrate as usual, but
remain on the lookout for suspicious activity.

I was the hotel fortune-teller,
hired to do tarot readings
in exchange for a free room and tips.

In the banquet hall,
dull computer professionals
sat in cushioned chairs,
paper noisemakers arranged
in neat rows in front of them,
waiting for the 20th century to end.

In the background, Prince sang
about partying on the abyss of the new millennium
and not giving a damn about consequences.
I envisioned him, resplendent
in purple, strutting on a faraway stage.

The men who came to me for readings
felt unhappy with their marriages
and wondered whether their futures
would be any different. I was afraid

to tell them the truth—the future
would be exactly like the present,
and they wouldn't even notice.

As midnight drew closer,
the champagne flowed faster,
the crowd loosened its belt slightly,
and we all began to dance.

While we gyrated to Prince,
the hotel janitor told me “You have a nice ass.”
I laughed and shook it in his face,
then danced even harder,

because I knew my husband and daughter
had already gone upstairs
and were watching television
from the safety of their beds,
emergency flashlights beside them on the nightstand.

Leah Mueller is a Tulsa-based poet and prose writer. Her work is published in Rattle, NonBinary Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Citron Review, New Flash Fiction Review, Does It Have Pockets, Outlook Springs, Your Impossible Voice, etc. She has received several nominations for Pushcart and Best of the Net. One of her short stories appears in the 2022 edition of Best Small Fictions.  Her fourteenth book, "Stealing Buddha" was published by Anxiety Press in 2024. Website:

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