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Colin’s Mix CD Summer ‘03

Kate Faigen

Track 1: First Date (blink-182)

We almost got booted from Blockbuster for making out in front of the comedies. I wanted Bring
It On
. You voted for SLC Punk with your hand in my back pocket. We got both and watched
neither, sharing Sour Patch Kids with our mouths in your basement.

Track 2: Ride Wit Me (Nelly, City Spud)

November of your junior year, first night you got your license. We were so stoned in the
McDonald’s drive-thru that it took us fifteen minutes to realize it was closed. We blasted the first
mix CD I ever made you, the one that LimeWire spat out in record time (an hour).

Track 3: Underneath Your Clothes (Shakira)

Morning after winter formal. You know what happened. We radiated green apple vodka, our
breaths still warm with it. Afterwards, we both used your tooth brush then went to get fat, greasy
egg and cheese bagels, hot bacon falling to our laps with each ferocious bite.

Track 4: Ms. Jackson (Outkast)

When my parents confined me to my room for two weeks because I snuck out to Monica
Shaffer’s party, remember that? The dictators forgot to cut off my landline, so we talked until we
fell asleep, being weirdos and singing the lyrics to each other—me, André 3000; you, Big Boi.

Track 5: The Middle (Jimmy Eat World)

After you won your lacrosse game against Haverford, you dressed me in your sweaty jersey. We
waltzed over to the baseball field and sat in the bleachers drinking light blue Gatorade and
passionately taunting the other team while humming in a happy delirium.

Track 6: What’s Luv? (Fat Joe, Ja Rule, Ashanti)

Beginning of your senior year, night of the pep rally. I had one too many hits of the blunt at that
bonfire in the woods. When I started barfing, you tried to tie my hair in a bun, and when that
failed, you took my face in your hands and held my puke-y lips to yours and said “I love you.”

Track 7: Lose Yourself (Eminem)

That random school assembly—drinking? drugs?—where the nerdy guy lecturing us accidentally
left his ringtone on… and out came Eminem. Our classes were on opposite ends of the room, but
our eyes met instantly, like we had a personal tunnel running through everyone in our way.

Track 8: Praise You (Fatboy Slim)

After demolishing a Cinnabon like hyenas at the mall, we walked over to the kiosk that was
blasting music and selling airbrushed T-shirts. You bought me one that said “BIG DOG” in neon
purple and yellow. The worker gave you a flirty wink, then told me I was a “lucky little lady.”

Track 9: Steal My Sunshine (LEN)

Your Senior Week. Ocean City. Spicy margaritas. Turkey hoagies. Sandy flip-flops. Keg stands.
Salty breezes. Sharp tan lines. Phillies beach towels. Police scare. Boardwalk pizza. Twist soft
serve. Theme night. Porch sunsets. Mini golf. Morning kisses. Music playing on and on and on.

Track 10: No Such Thing (John Mayer)

You’re moving into your Syracuse dorm in a month. What can I say? When they played this song
at prom, you groaned and mouthed the words jokingly. But I know you like it. I know you. I
don’t know if there’s a real world, or what that really means, but I know I’ll always know you.

Love, Leah

Kate Faigen's stories have appeared in X-R-A-Y, Flash Frog, Los Angeles Review, and more. You can find her on Twitter @k8faigen.

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